While social distancing may have disrupted your daily routine, now is NOT the time to quit on your health and fitness goals. Focusing on the factors you CAN control - your attitude in how you respond to the situation - will allow you to adapt and grow, emerging from this quarantine stronger than ever!

Stay productive and motivated throughout the#SemiVSCOVIDChallenge with the following tips to create structure while working from home:
⚡️Start with a consistent morning routine each day. For example, brush your teeth, take a morning stroll outside while drinking your coffee. Write in a gratitude journal for 10 mins. Virtual WOD with a friend.
⚡️Have scheduled start and stop times if you are working from home.
⚡️Have a dedicated working space.
⚡️Schedule time to cook and eat (this will help avoid mindless snacking and grazing) so that you are eating mindfully instead of multitasking. Try out new recipes to make this a time to look forward to!
⚡️Schedule time for daily tasks and activities (eg. gardening and exercise) so that you stay productive in accomplishing goals.
⚡️Take breaks to go for a walk, practice deep breathing, call a friend.